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Dear family Raimondi!

Thank you for your welcome, hospitality and great experience. It was unforgettable. I had really wonderful time at Nerola. Now I have few friends more.


Dear Gilardi family!

 I would like to thank you all for an incredible week that I've spent with you. I've felt really comfortable with all of you and in your house. It was really amazing.  

You will be in my memories forever. I promise you that!


Julia, Salvatore and Flavia!

Thank you for an amazing, fantastic, wonderful, beautiful week. It was pleasure to stay in your house. Thank you for such warm welcome.  Salvatore, you are an amazing cook, your food was really fantastic and tasty! You are also very, very, very good artist. It was pleasure too met you! 
Julia, you are very, very very, very nice, and your English is perfect  - i really don't know why .... :-). I hope that if I come in Italy someday you gonna to cook something for me. OKAY? 
Flavia, you are very nice and beautiful. Thank you for your help and for tips. Thank you, I've felt like your sister. I hope that see you soon.
It was pleasure too met you all!
                                    Thank you!


 Dear Family De Paolis!

First of all I would like to thank you for that incredible time we spend together. You were like my real family. I hope that we can see each other again soon. 
You´re always gonna be in my heart.


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