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Teachers´ Day in Slovakia:-)

Dear friends,

Slovak teachers and students always celebrate Teachers´ Day on 28th March. Why on that date? Well, it is because the father of modern education - John Amos Comenius - was born on that day and everyone in Slovakia wants  to commemorate his birth date. Students love this day as much as teachers because it´s their day off:-)
Our headteacher Mr Martin Kotlár invited all teachers for lunch. Teachers really appreciated the performances that our students gave on that occasion. Here are some photos taken yesterday.



When do you celebrate Teachers´ Day in your country? How do you celebrate it? Is it your day off or do you have to go to school as usually?

I am waiting for your comments, my dear friends=)



  1. Our teachers celebrate it on the 5 of November. They celebrate it with a cultural event. The school goes normally for students.


  2. Dear Kristjan,

    thank you for your reply. It´s interesting that you celebrate it in November. Did you know that in most countries they celebrate Teachers´ Day on 5th October? It´s a pity you can´t stay at home:-(

    How are you? Do you have any important exams in March/April/May? Slovak Year 9 students had a very hard test on 12th March. Last week they got the results and some of them got 100% both in Slovak language and Maths, which means that they will be accepted in any secondary school they choose. Those who weren´t so lucky will have to take entrance exams in May.

    What about you, my dear Kristjan? Do you have any entrance exams to take?


  3. We don't have the teachers' day in our country, but this idea is very beautiful. We want to celebrate this day because we don't go to school. We really like the headteacher's idea to invite the teachers to eat and you are very elegant. Our teachers are very nice and we would like to celebrate them. Your teachers are very beautiful and beautiful couples. We like your clothes, your traditions and your dancing.

  4. Thank you very much, my dear. It is a pity you did not sign your comment, because we (everyone who reads comments and I) do not know whom to thank. Anyway, I believe that ALL teachers deserve to have a nice day off.

    Ada from Košice

  5. Looks like a really great party!

    Izgleda, kot res super zabava!

    Katja from Slovenia


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