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International Day of the Book in IES El Batán

MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Spanish writer born in Alcalá de Henares on September 27, 1547 and died in Madrid on April 22, 1616. He is considered one of the leading figures of Spanish literature and universally known for writing "Don Quixote", which many critics have described as the first modern novel and one of the greatest works of world literature, besides being the book edited and translated most of history, second only to the Bible. It has been given the nickname "Prince of Wits"
In the memory of Miguel de Cervantes’ death (as well as the birth of William Shakespeare), and in order to encourage reading in the world, Unesco issued on April 23 as International Day of the Book.

This is the way we celebrate the International Day of the Book in IES El Batán, with music, dance, representations and reading small pieces of Canary writers and the winner of our annual literature contest.


  1. I like it! You had an interesting day in the school and I am sure you enjoyed very much. We can see on the photos.

    Tanja, Slovenia

  2. This is a very interesting and funny event!
    We would like to partecipate at it because we love reading books.
    We also want to organize this day at our school.
    See you soon!
    Jessica,Federica and Giulia.

  3. I really like it!
    That's a very important day to celebrate because reading open our minds!

  4. In my opinion reading is very important. For this reason I have organized a project about reading in Monteflavio in order to let my students meet books and love them.


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